9th Shippers Forum
Ninth of the "Shippers Forum" organizations, organized by PETFORM, one of the largest and most prestigious NGOs in the natural gas market, have been organized with success and stability in Ankara Bilkent Hotel on 26-27 October 2015.
The Forum, which is the only platform that brings together all stakeholders of the sector around the same table, was the continuation of the First International Shippers Forum in London under the TRGas-Hub project last year.
On the first day of the forum, the meetings were run by EMRA Vice Chairman Mehmet Ertürk. During the sessions on the subject of the amendment proposals of Network Code, the EBT data flow, the balancing gas market, the determination of natural gas costs and pricing, and the boiling gas issues in the LNG terminals, intensive discussions were held among sector stakeholders such as PETFORM, EMRA, BOTAŞ, TPAO and EPİAŞ.
On the second day, the President of EMRA, Mr. Mustafa Yılmaz and members of the Board participated in the meeting and presentation of the workshop report regarding the previous day’ studies was made. Other macro presentations and suggestions for the development of the Turkish natural gas market were also carried out.